Fuel / Technology: Electric Drive

Startups and Industry Leaders Alike Compete to Develop the Next Major Battery Technology

February 27, 2019Manufacturers race to bring better and more cost-effective battery technology to the transportation market, with many promising developments.


The High Cost of Fuel for EV Fleets

February 21, 2019The costs associated with charging a truck are vastly different and can be highly variable compared to traditional gaseous fuels.

Fleet Owner

Alia Khouri is Director of Fleet Operations

Image: City of San Diego

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: San Diego Fleet Operations a Data-Rich Enterprise

February 11, 2019In an ACT News Executive Interview, Alia Khouri with the City of San Diego, shares how commitment to fleet data drives innovation in the City fleet.

The Collaborative and EV Chargers

Volume II – EV Procurement: A Culture Shift for Light-Duty Fleets in 2019

February 8, 2019The Collaborative is a catalyst for accelerating the transition of city fleets to EVs, cutting emissions, and saving taxpayer money.

Electrification Coalition

EV options have increased

Image: ACT News

EV Procurement: A Culture Shift for Light-Duty Fleets in 2019

January 31, 2019The light-duty EV market offers multiple options, making 2019 the prime year for fleets to include them in procurement plans.


Clean Vehicle Funding Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 28, 2019Learn about the billions of dollars in vehicle funding available in the near-term for fleets to install infrastructure and replace vehicles and equipment.

ACT Expo

CMAQ Could Fund These Alternative Fuel Trucks

CMAQ Rule Simplification May Free Up Millions in Funding for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

January 24, 2019The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program has historically provided millions of dollars of funding for clean vehicle projects.

Clean Fuels Ohio

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 23, 2019ACT Expo will host a five-part workshop series focused on EV charging infrastructure, from the utility side to construction to network providers.

ACT Expo

Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo to Recognize Sustainable Transportation Leaders

December 13, 2018The ACT Expo Fleet Awards are the ultimate recognition of fleet operators who show true leadership in clean transportation—having gone above and beyond to achieve sustainability in their transportation operations.

ACT Expo

Fleets for the Future Completes First Phase of Procurement

December 12, 2018Fleets for the Future is a national initiative that enables public fleets to consolidate bulk orders of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure.

Clean Communities of Central New York (CC of CNY)

A Reflection on the Last 25 Years at GNA

December 10, 2018As GNA celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Cliff Gladstein, President of GNA, reflects on the past 25 years in clean transportation and looks to the next 25 years.


Vic LaRosa with TTSI Truck Fleet

Image: TTSI

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: TTSI Embraces Zero-Emission Transportation

December 5, 2018In an ACT News Executive Interview, Vic LaRosa with TTSI shares how the company is committed to a zero-emission transportation pathway.

Dan Berlenbach Stands at Fleet Services Wall of Pride

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: City of Long Beach Fleet Winning Multiple Awards

November 29, 2018In an ACT News Executive Interview, Dan Berlenbach with the City of Long Beach discusses leadership and his hope for clean transportation.

Andrea Pratt Driving EV

Image: Seattle Parks & Recreation

EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW: Seattle Proudly Advocates for Alternative Fuels

November 20, 2018Andrea Pratt with the City of Seattle shared her mission to mitigate climate change and electrify the transportation sector at large.

Battery Electric Truck in City

Image: Fuso

Battery Electric Vehicle Growth Driven by E-Commerce

November 14, 2018E-commerce is changing trucking, with greater focus on last mile delivery, a trend that may accelerate the adoption of battery electric trucks.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Diverse Approach in California can Reverse Troubling Climate Protection and Air Quality Trends

November 13, 2018In California, the transportation sector has seen an increase in climate pollutants over the past several years. Learn how a diverse policy approach can curtail pollutants from the state’s largest greenhouse gas source.