Topic: Technology

Image: iStock

Making Sense of the Charging Infrastructure Needs for Electric Vehicles

March 26, 2019Planning, cooperation and time will make charging for CBEVs a reality. There are some common steps and considerations any fleet can use to help ensure they get the right charging system for their needs.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Is the Vision of Commercial Fleet Nirvana Right Around the Corner?

March 18, 2019As electric trucks begin rolling off the factory line this year, will they achieve market penetration? What can we learn from past technologies?


Image: Adobe Stock

ACT 101: What is Electricity and What are its Risks as a Fuel?

March 14, 2019What is electricity and what are its risks as a fuel? These questions are important as fleets increasingly look to electrify their vehicles.


Image: Port of Long Beach

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Ports and Shipping

Join ACT News and the California Hydrogen Business Council for a complimentary webinar on March 14 covering hydrogen and fuel cells in the port and shipping sectors.

In partnership with:

Energy Independence Summit 2019

Clean Transportation Leaders Engage Congress at Annual Energy Independence Summit

March 7, 2019The Annual Energy Independence Summit brings together a diverse array of stakeholders in the clean transportation and alternative fuel industries.

Clean Fuels Ohio

Startups and Industry Leaders Alike Compete to Develop the Next Major Battery Technology

February 27, 2019Manufacturers race to bring better and more cost-effective battery technology to the transportation market, with many promising developments.


Rethink Methane

Image: Rethink Methane

Rethink Methane Covers RNG Regulations, RNG Incentives, Dairy Digesters, Private Investments, and More

February 13, 2019Rethink Methane educates policymakers on the role renewable gas can play in helping California achieve its air quality and climate objectives.

Rethink Methane Symposium

Connected Vehicle Technologies

Image: ACT News

Connected Vehicle Technology Workshop at ACT Expo

February 6, 2019With the emergence of connected vehicle technologies, the transportation industry has the opportunity to significantly improve operational, economic, and environmental performance.

ACT Expo

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop

EV Charging Infrastructure Workshop Series at ACT Expo

January 23, 2019ACT Expo will host a five-part workshop series focused on EV charging infrastructure, from the utility side to construction to network providers.

ACT Expo

TCO measures hard and soft costs

Image: NACFE

TCO is a Matter of Hard and Soft Costs

January 16, 2019When considering vehicle TCO, fleets need to look beyond the hard costs and include the costs that are harder to quantify.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)

Rethink Methane

Rethink Methane Symposium Announces Agenda and Speakers

January 8, 2019The Rethink Methane Symposium, taking place February 26-27 in Sacramento, CA will bring stakeholders from the bioenergy, solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas industries together for an annual policy forum.

Rethink Methane Symposium

Two cars fuel with hydrogen

California Hydrogen Fuel Cell Summit

December 28, 2018CHBC hosted its 6th annual California Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Summit in December, bringing industry and policymakers together to discuss progress.

California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC)

Rethink Methane Registration Is Open

Image: Rethink Methane

Early Bird Registration Is Open for 2019 Rethink Methane Symposium

December 20, 2018Join stakeholders from the bioenergy, solar, wind, hydrogen, fuel cell and natural gas industries at the 5th Annual Rethink Methane Symposium next February.

Rethink Methane Symposium

A Reflection on the Last 25 Years at GNA

December 10, 2018As GNA celebrates its 25th Anniversary, Cliff Gladstein, President of GNA, reflects on the past 25 years in clean transportation and looks to the next 25 years.


Renewable Propane Autogas and Low NOx Engines Reduce Emissions

Image: ROUSH CleanTech

Propane Autogas Innovation Sets New Standards

December 5, 2018Propane autogas is raising the bar for what it means to be a clean fuel for commercial fleets.

Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

Battery Electric Truck in City

Image: Fuso

Battery Electric Vehicle Growth Driven by E-Commerce

November 14, 2018E-commerce is changing trucking, with greater focus on last mile delivery, a trend that may accelerate the adoption of battery electric trucks.

North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE)