ACT News Talks Tech

Reach fleet decisionmakers with engaging video content.

Commercial and transit fleet operators turn to ACT News year-round to learn about the trends, technologies, programs, and policies driving the future of low- and zero-emission transportation.

Sponsor an ACT News Talks tech video interview between Stephane Babcock, editorial director, and one of your company’s executives. Our 5- to 10-minute ACT News Talks Tech videos help position your company as an industry thought-leader and spotlight your unique value proposition. Plus, leverage our highly targeted contact database to further promote your video interview to fleet decisionmakers via email and social media.

New ACT News advertisers can SAVE 15% by booking a campaign before July 1.

ACT News by the Numbers

40% of ACT News
are fleets

130,000+ unique annual website visitors 

185,000+ ACT News database contacts

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Have Questions?
Stephane Babcock
Director of Editorial and Partnership Marketing
Phone: 424-363-0341