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Image: ACT Expo

ACT Expo Sets 2017 Program

March 7, 2017The stage is set for the 2017 Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo, the conference will feature the increasing array of commercially available and rapidly developing technologies for sustainable fleet operations.

Fleet Owner

Image: ACT News

Renewable Natural Gas: A Solution for Climate Protection and Economic Development

February 15, 2017California Legislature works to reduce GHGs and, arguably, contain the most promising advances for RNG in the industry’s short history.


The VW Settlement: Identifying, Influencing, and Securing Funds

February 7, 2017Volkswagen is near to finalizing the last of three settlements, amounting to $21.8 billion in penalties, which resulted from the German automaker’s use of “defect devices” in their 2.0 and 3.0 liter diesel vehicles.


Blue, purple and red Semi trucks climbs Interstate Hill In Heavy Traffic

Image: Adobe Stock

The Potential – and Challenges – of Renewable Diesel Fuel for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

January 10, 2017Renewable diesel is an emerging replacement fuel for today’s heavy-duty diesel engines.


Image: Clean Air Action Plan

Clean Trucks Program

January 5, 2017The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have come together once again to update their joint Clean Air Action Plan and Clean Trucks Program. 

Fleet Owner

Image: ACT Expo

Cleaning Up Landfills

December 7, 2016Fighting smog and climate change are not mutually exclusive objectives. In fact, we can accomplish both simultaneously, while also addressing methane issues associated with landfill gas.

Fleet Owner

Image: BMW

Autonomous 101: Driver Assist, Partial Automation and Self-Driving

November 8, 2016From light duty to heavy duty, there is excitement—and fear—for the development of autonomous vehicle technology. The road to a fully automated, driverless heavy-duty vehicle is still a long one.

Fleet Owner